It’s time to … Get Curious

Should a Christmas cruise be on your Bucket List?

A Christmas cruise isn’t really about buying gifts for those on your list. It could be … but how about you be the one receiving the gift? Sherri Lavigne, travel advisor and owner of Have Sherri, Will Travel will help you experience all that a Christmas cruise has to offer!
A Christmas cruise isn’t really about buying gifts for those on your list. It could be … but how about you be the one receiving the gift? Sherri Lavigne, travel advisor and owner of Have Sherri, Will Travel will help you experience all that a Christmas cruise has to offer!

Freeze a moment in time — not just because it’s winter — but the memories you will collect. As well as the unique gifts for your family and friends (and don’t forget yourself), they will always remind you of the adventure!

And what a great way to kick off the holiday season! And the BEST part … you don’t have to shovel!

A Christmas cruise isn’t really about buying gifts for those on your list. It could be … but how about you be the one receiving the gift? Sherri Lavigne, travel advisor and owner of Have Sherri, Will Travel will help you experience all that a Christmas cruise has to offer!

Does the “fluffy” guy in red like to eat cookies? 

A Christmas cruise isn’t really about buying gifts for those on your list. It could be … but how about you be the one receiving the gift? 

Holidays can be really hectic and it feels like you are so busy trying to make it a magical time for everyone — finding that “perfect” gift or making sure that the family get-togethers go without the family drama — that you aren’t really enjoying the season.

A holiday cruise is a great alternative … and a Christmas Market cruise will definitely put you in the spirit!

Christmas markets usually open around the middle of November and run until Christmas Eve. These are different than winter river cruises — these river cruises are geared to stop at all the different Christmas markets — where you will definitely find something for everyone! 

These street markets are set up outdoors and will have a variety of local crafts — and delicious food! You will be able to stroll from booth to booth, sipping a mug of gluhwein (warm, spiced wine famous throughout Europe Christmas markets), cider or hot chocolate, as well as sample Christmas, treats while you take in the local atmosphere.

Christmas Markets in Vienna - ask Have Sherri Will Travel - Sherri Lavigne

What to wear!

• Think LAYERS! It’s a Christmas cruise! Weather can change quickly — windy and damp for a couple of days and then warm for several more days! And let’s not forget the “s” word (that would be S-N-O-W). It is best to dress in layers, so you can adjust accordingly. 

• Don’t forget hats and gloves! And wear comfortable boots (or shoes for the “too cool for boots” people). Just make sure they are waterproof as there will be either snow or slush!

Buying memorable gifts

• Each Christmas market has different products, so you should look at purchasing an authentic product based on where you are shopping. For example, if you are visiting a German Christmas market, you have to buy the number one souvenir item — a mug!! Go and look among the stalls and find yourself a cute little German Christmas mug (and maybe one for your favourite family member … or favourite travel advisor LOL).

• What about starting a mug collection? Buy yourself a Christmas mug at each Christmas market at each port, so when you are back home sipping on your warm beverage you can reflect on your memories.

Bring an extra backpack, duffle bag or suitcase (and protective bubble wrap) to pack your purchases in. Remember to take this into consideration, as you will have to pay for an extra bag! Also, bring your reusable grocery shopping bags. This will cut down on plastic, and just in case the vendor doesn’t ’t have any bags big enough for your item.

Christmas Markets in stay on budget - ask Have Sherri Will Travel - Sherri Lavigne
Christmas Markets on buying authentic products - ask Have Sherri Will Travel - Sherri Lavigne
Mini Sherri Have Sherri, Will travel

Mini Sherri

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